New Technologies

light moving thru the forestDigital X-rays: We use an advanced non-film computerized system, called digital radiography, which produces radiation levels up to 75 percent lower than those of conventional dental x-rays. These digital images can be optimized and displayed on large computer screens, enhancing patient communication.

Operating Microscopes: In addition to digital radiography, we utilize special operating microscopes. Magnification and fiber optic illumination are helpful in aiding the doctor to see tiny details inside your tooth, allowing us to provide care at the highest level possible.

Electric Apex Locators: A small computer, called an apex locator, allows us to precisely determine the length of your root, helping ensure that the root is thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom. It can also minimize the number of x-rays needed to complete root canal treatment.

Ultrasonics: Ultrasonic instruments can be valuable in removing or loosening obstructions that would otherwise prevent reliable endodontic therapy.

Three Dimensional X-rays: Breakthrough technology allows us to see an unprecedented view of your tooth using 3D computerized reconstruction. This technology, called a cone beam scan, allows us to provide a more accurate diagnosis and can save you both time and money. Because our system focuses only on the area of interest, the amount of radiation exposure is significantly reduced, delivering 10-30 times less exposure than other similar dental radiography systems.

Regenerative Endodontics: Cutting edge research is currently developing techniques that will allow us to grow new pulp back into the roots of young undeveloped teeth, using a patients own stem cells. In the past, traditional root canal therapy would leave these teeth with thin roots that were susceptible to fracture. However, when successful, regenerative endodontics allows continued normal root development.